Post#47: Sales Quotation Error – Template Group does not contain active templates

You may encounter the below error if you try and use templates in D365 (build 10.0.34) in sales quotation in any entity where you havent created a template from a sales quotation.

The Template Group X does not contain active templates.

This error is displayed if you have not created a sales quotation and made that as an active template.

As you can see in the above image I selected a template “Group ID” but that submaster record did not have links to any existing sales quotation template.

In order to create a sales quotation template you need to open an existing sales quotation and do the following:

  1. Set Active as Yes
  2. Select a group ID you want to link
  3. Give the template a name
  4. Select document title
  5. Select Document Introduction
  6. Select Document Conclusion

Once you have saved the sales quotation, you can now select it from the Create new Sales quotation form as shown below:

As you can see you will no longer receive any error message as long as you setup a template for that given Group ID.

That’s all folks. Thank you and keep DAXing.

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